4 Herbs That Increase Metabolism

By Jennifer Smith, Natural Medicine Practitioner and Certified in Holistic Nutrition

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In this post I'll be sharing about 4 herbs that increase metabolism. When you’re trying to get healthy, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest of fad diets, exercise tools, and the like that can cost you a lot of time, money, and leave you feeling frustrated. Thankfully, with the modern spread of information through the internet, it’s a lot easier to research and find which things work for people so that you can reach your health goals. The primary focus of this article is to discuss the best herbs that increase metabolism. 

Top 4 Herbs That Increase Metabolism:


This famous herb has been associated with energy and metabolism for 2000 years. Its presence in tea has made ginseng tea a favorite among people looking to promote a more energetic lifestyle, and studies have shown that ginseng can greatly help with weight loss if consumed every day for a sustained period. Ginseng was also found to have a favorable effect on insulin sensitivity, making it a good choice for people who deal with diabetes. 

Cayenne Pepper

In the last few hundred years, there have been a number of tonics that have employed the use of capsaicin, the active or hot ingredient in cayenne pepper to help treat various ailments. Today, science has uncovered more of the specifics in the way that we can use this powerful agent to arrest caloric intake, shrink fat tissues, and clean the vascular system. Research has discovered that it can stimulate thermogenesis which is the process of metabolizing fats to generate heat. This means that your metabolism is being boosted to create this effect, and more energy which is stored in fat, must be used for it to take place. 


People have had a strong love of cinnamon for quite some time due to its festive flavoring and associations with holiday time, but this powerful spice has many other advantages. Research has shown that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels substantially, in addition to increasing glucose metabolism by more than 18 times the regular amount. This means that it helps to make your metabolism more efficient, which also make it a wonderful thing for people who have diabetes or might be close to becoming diabetic. 


Mostly, people think of mustard as simply a condiment, but it’s been shown that less than a teaspoon of mustard seeds can boost your metabolic rate by 25%. Which could result in an extra 40 - 50 calories being burned per hour. 

Loosing weight can be frustrating and diets just lead to rebound weight gain. By focusing on these herbs that increase metabolism, you can break free of the diet mentality, balance your hormones and gently move your body into your ideal weight.

Weight Loss and Metabolism Supplement Recommendations

Click here to view my weight loss and metabolism protocol on Fullscript.

Fullscript weightloss protocol

About the Practitioner

Jennifer Smith, BA, NMP, CHN, FBCC

Jennifer Smith is a Natural Medicine Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, and Faith-Based Clinical Counselor. She has a Bachelor's degree in Christian Counseling. She has completed advanced training in Functional Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Natural Health Consultant diploma, Biblical Heath Coaching Certification, Biblical natural medicine, and Biblical Eating and Clinical Nutrition. Jennifer has a virtual Natural Medicine practice in Naples, FL called Fx Remedies Virtual Care. 

Learn more . . .

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