5 Super Easy Weight Loss Tricks For Success Without Dieting

Can I Lose Weight with Diet Alone? 

By Jennifer Smith, Natural Medicine Practitioner and Certified in Holistic Nutrition

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In this post, I will be sharing super easy weight loss tricks that you can start using today. So the question is, can you loose weight by changing your diet alone? The short answer is yes. The truth is, that diet is the main determining factor in whether or not you will lose weight. Many people think they need to devote hours a day to exercising if they want to lose weight, but the truth is that if you want real, lasting weight loss, all you need to do is change your diet.

These easy weight loss tricks will help you create healthier habits which will lead to long term success with weight loss. Crash dieting sucks! Choose to get out of the never ending boomerang of weight loss and weight gain by focusing on habit changes that leave you feeling satisfied.

Here are some weight loss tricks that anyone can follow to start losing weight without making any other changes:

1. Cut Out Soda

Even drinking just one can of soda a day can increase your chances of being overweight by up to 65 percent, according to a study done by the American Diabetic Association. By simply cutting out the soda that you’re drinking and replacing it with unsweetened green tea or plain water, you can lose weight without even trying, and save money on sodas to boot.

2. Eat More Protein

You could aim for between 25 and 30 percent of your daily caloric intake from protein. The best way to make sure you’re doing that is to cut out half the carbs on your plate and replace them with a lean source of protein. Getting more protein in your diet will help you feel fuller for longer so you won’t need to eat as much at your next meal.

3. Eat 2-3 meals a day

When you set up an eating schedule for yourself, you don't want to constantly be thinking about food all day. Eat enough to feel satisfied till the next meal.  Who has time to make 5-6 meals a day like the gurus tell you? The best schedule to set up is 3 meals 5-6 hours apart. Set alarms on your phone if you need to, and you’ll soon find yourself losing weight without trying. If you're hungry between meals, add some extra protein or a little extra healthy fat to your meals. Healthy fats include animal fats, butter, ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, etc. Avoid vegetable oils and margarine

4. If you must snack, Snack Right.

When you’re looking for something to snack on, it’s usually junk foods that are easiest to grab. So keep yourself from falling into this temptation by eating something healthy which will hold you over till the next meal.

Keep fresh fruit like apples and oranges on the counter where you can see them, and bagged veggies or yogurt at eye level in the fridge where they’re easy to see and take with you. Keep some roasted almonds or cashews in the cupboard where you can grab a small handful and munch.

Eat some protein with your carbs or add something with healthy fats to your snack. Think of an apple and a tablespoon of nut butter or string cheese and a small bunch of grapes. For your next meal, aim to add more protein or healthy fats so that you don't need to snack in the future.  

5. Satisfy Your Cravings

Often, when you have a craving for something, it can be hard to know exactly what you want, so you end up eating a bunch of things until you find something that finally satisfies it. Take a few moments to identify what exactly you’re craving, then look for a healthy version of that to satisfy you. Most cravings fall into one or two of the following categories: sweet, salty, crunchy, or creamy.

These small weight loss tricks may be all you need to tweak your current routine and jump-start your weight loss. 

Weight Loss and Metabolism Supplement Recommendations

Click here to view my weight loss and metabolism protocol on Fullscript.

Fullscript weightloss protocol

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About the Practitioner

Jennifer Smith, BA, NMP, CHN, FBCC

Jennifer Smith is a Natural Medicine Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Practitioner, and Faith-Based Clinical Counselor. She has a Bachelor's degree in Christian Counseling. She has completed advanced training in Functional Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Natural Health Consultant diploma, Biblical Heath Coaching Certification, Biblical natural medicine, and Biblical Eating and Clinical Nutrition. Jennifer has a virtual Natural Medicine practice in Naples, FL called Fx Remedies Virtual Care. 

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